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A calm morning gives hope for a turbulent evening

tirsdag 29. marts 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hello to all!
In the morning, when our alarm clocks call us from sleep, getting up is not so difficult, because every morning promises new surprises. So Marion and I swung on our bikes and cycled to Kabeltrommeln, both secretly hoping for Bearded Tits "Skægmejse".
For Robbe and Alice Grenen, Verdens end 3 was the destination this morning. Knud had finished his office work for the annual report of the Bird Observatory and hoped for a good migration after the windy day yesterday. And the morning brought surprises, the three saw two Shags "Topskarv" and a living (!) Fulmar "Mallemuk" very far out. They were also able to observe some Porpoises "Marsvin" quite well. Knud also spotted a Black Kite "Sort Glente" and announced it on Zello. Apart from these highligts it was a quiet observation. Marion, Simon and I at Kabeltrommeln heard the Zello call and hoped to see the Black Kite "Sort Glente", however it did not show up over Kabeltrommeln. Åse and Bent, who also jump excitedly out of bed every morning were also at Kabeltrommeln for the first round of ringing. However, we could only show them two Wrens "Gærdesmutte". Yes, it was a quiet morning in the nets but not without highlights, the last round brought us a Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert"!
Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert"!
These pretty birds don't come into the nets often, and it was a good opportunity for Marion and me to see a bird that has three feather generations in the spring. It was a 2K bird that therefore had juvenile, post juvenile and pre breeding feathers from this winter pre-breeding moult. It was very exciting to see this and fits perfectly with the moult session we had had the other day with not one but two instructors, Simon and virtual Simon on Youtube, as we had practiced the Moult Card with a Wagtail "Vipstjert" afterwards. The last net that I checked and then closed, brought a Reedbunting "Rørspurv"
that I was then also allowed to ring and I was also very happy, because it is the first of its kind that I ringed.
Still, today was our slowest ringing day, a total of 6 new birds plus recaptures.
Todays ringed birds
Reed Bunting "Rørspurv": 1
Grey Wagtail "Bjergvipstjert": 1
Wren "Gærdesmutte": 2
Robin "Rødhals": 2
Total: 6
We closed quite early, then cycled home, Marion and I entered the ringing data, then continued to enter the data for the night recording of 19.03.2022 and it is ready now!
While I sat in front of the laptop, it became very quiet at the station, the napping Season has begun! When all were awake again and I wanted to make tired the last corrections to the data entry, all present now also conceded me a nap. When I crawled out of bed again, Marion just warmed left overs, lunch, for me brunch at four. Soon Bent and Åse also came to prepare dinner, our guests cook for us today, it will be good and we are already excited.
Now Marion and Simon are checking ringing data, Alice is adding the Latin names in the overview of moult strategies for ringing, Robbe is out for a walk and I am working on this blog. But the day is far from being over, after the last unsuccessful nightcatching we start a second attempt today, this time in Hirthals, there we also pick up a dead Fulmar "Mallemuk", which Lars Pedersen has found for and temporarily frozen with him. Thank you! Lars Pedersen and Morden Chrestiansen will also support us in the nightcatching.
Keep your fingers crossed that it will work this time, and the long awaited nightcatching catch will come tonight. Preferably several!
See you tomorrow, take care!
People: Simon S. Christiansen, Robbe Cool, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Marion L'Huillier-Hunsinger, Lars Pedersen, Morten Chrestiansen Bent and Åse.