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The arrival of the Pied Flycatchers "Broget Fluesnapper"

onsdag 27. april 2022
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hi everybody!

Manuel and I were the first to get up today. Manuel helped me open the nets, then left Kabletromle to do the Morning Obs with Alice and Robbe at Nordstrand. Hans and Jørgen Hulbæk were the first ones at Nordstrand today and together with Andreas, they assisted Alice, Robbe and Manuel with the counting. Soon after sunrise, Hans and Jørgen had the first Harriers "Høg", but this did not last the whole morning. The Obs was quite slow, but there were some highlights, such as a Lapland Longspur "Lapværling" and a Black-throated Diver "Sortstrubet Lom", over a dozen Arctic Skuas "Almindelig Kjove" and there were an incredible number of Red-throated Divers "Rødstrubet Lom", between 800 and 900 during the whole Morning Obs.



The ringing was also quite slow today, Lisa and Simon joined after we opened the nets, but we caught the first Pied Flycatcher "Broget Fluesnapper" of the year in the nets of Kabeltromle today!


Pied Flycatcher "Broget Fluesnapper" 


We also had a Willow Warbler "Løvsanger" quite possibly of the subspecies "acredula".


"Løvsanger" possibly of the subspecies "acredula"


After ringing I cut branches at Kabeltromle and watched two really nice male Bearded Reedlings "Skægmejse" for a long time. I also saw a nice male Sand Lizard "Markfirben". In the afternoon we tried out the new nets for owls and raptors in the garden with Simon. Afterwards Alice and Robbe went raptor catching with one of the new nets, but unfortunately without success. There were some raptors around, Hans watched from a dune near Batterivejen and saw several raptors, but very high: Golden Eagles "Kongeørn", Buzzards "Musvage", Rough-legged Buzzards "Fjeldvåge", Kites "Glente"... While Hans was bird watching all day, Birthe was also at the Skagen Art Museum today. Hans and Birthe also took a very long walk along the coast to Batteriskaven and then to Jennes Sø. On the way, they saw a Camberwell Beauty "Sørgekåbe", several Pied Flycatchers "Broget Fluesnapper" in Batteriscoven and a Firecrest "Rødtoppet Fuglekonge" near Jennes Sø. Simon had an interesting meeting today with other people who run CES ringing. I entered the ringing data and had a nap, Manuel went for a walk in the afternoon and cooked us a delicious lentil soup for dinner. And Thomas, Rasmus, Jesper and the "Radar Team" finished the work on the radar this afternoon. Now it is ready for use!

After the hopes for today were high and it didn't work out so well in the end, maybe it will be the other way round tomorrow? Let's hope so!


Todays ringed birds at Kabeltromle:


Løvsanger: 4

Rødhals: 3

Lille Gråsisken: 2

Broget Fluesnapper: 1

Gransanger: 4

Munk: 2

Lille Dompap: 1

Bogfinke: 1

Rørspurv: 1

Solsort: 1

Sangdrossel: 1


Total: 21


See you then, Hanelie


People: Knud Pedersen, Andreas Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Manuel Tacke, Robbe Cool, Lisa Vergin, Rasmus Due Nielsen, Thomas Kjær Christensen, Jesper, Birthe & Hans Christophersen.