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A bearded vulture and an angry lapwing

fredag 10. juni 2022
af Alice Scalzo

Hanelie and I were up and ready to open the nets early this morning. Megan and our guests joined us some time after. Megan really enjoyed seeing a Black bird (Solsort) from this close, and she is also very happy to be learning so much about ringing and the age determination via moult limits. The ringing went by quite slowly as we had one to two birds per round. Only on the last round we managed to get a decent number of birds. Sedge warbler (Sivsanger) and 1K Crested tit (Topmejse) were our ringing highlights of the day. Simon and our guests also saw a Little gull (Dværgmåge) and heard a Serin (Gulirisk).

WhatsApp_Image_2022-06-10_at_17.47.31.jpegAfter the ringing we fixed a few nets and cut some grass that is getting a bit to high under the nets.
Leona who stayed at the station this morning took care of entering the data. Meanwhile I went to the lab to repair some holes in the waders and help Hanelie with fixing her bike... Not a success so far though. And Simon had a meeting with his new boss.
Leona also went on a walk, and she got to see Lapwings (Vibe) pursuing a raptor. Maybe they are nesting around ? We will investigate in the next days !
In the afternoon Megan went with our guests to the cormorant lake. They saw a few Hobbys (Lærkefalk) and Marsh harriers (Rørhøg).
Hanelie, Leona and I where still at the station when a few zello calls came in. A Bearded Vulture (Lammegrib) was seen South !! Simon brought us there and we managed to see it quite well, and for quite some time. And it's a lifer for Hanelie and Leona !! 
Picture by Erik Christophersen
All in all it was a good day for all of us, and we are now waiting for a good dinner that Leona is preparing for us.
Have a good evening,
Ringmærking Kabeltrommeln :
Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) 2
Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) 4
Gærdesmutte (Wren) 1
Havesanger (Garden warbler) 1
Munk (Blackcap) 2
Rørspurv (Reed bunting) 1
Bogfinke (Chaffinch) 5
Topmejse (Crested tit) 1
Sivsanger (Sedge warbler) 1
Total 18
People: Simon S. Christiansen, Hanelie Sidhu, Alice Scalzo, Leona Grottschallesoh, Megan Nepshinsky, our guests Jan Hjort Christensen and Kristine Kleffel.