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Sandkonger og Søkonge

mandag 28. november 2022
af Diana Sciandra


The beautiful sunrise today.

222 alba

This morning all of us went observing next to the Bunker (picture below) closer to the parking, to find some shelter from the wind.

222 bunker

In any case the sand was everywhere (that’s why today we are the 4 Skagen Sandkonger), but it was fun to stay observing all together, also Simon joined for some time. We tried also to set up the trap for Rock Pipits (Skærpiber), but we haven’t catch one, probably the wind was too strong.

222 rock pipit

The highlights were of course the Ring Ouzel (Ringdrossel) and 5 Little Auks (Søkonge), two were very close. During the afternoon Olivia and Aksel went to the shop, while me and Louis were working at the computers (he was sorting pictures and I was working on my presentation). Olivia cooked for us a nice dinner and then me, her and Louis went night-catching, walking around the tip, but no birds were caught. It was still nice to be there because we saw some birds, the most interesting was an Oystercatcher (Strandskade), and we collected some plastic coming back home.

222 night

Dagens observationer kan ses her

Folk på stationen: Simon Christiansen, Louis Kristoffer Poulsen, Diana Sciandra, Aksel Y. Munkholm and Olivia Aalling-Frederiksen.