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Record-number of Bewick's Swans!

torsdag 23. marts 2023
af Johanna Veentjer

Hi everyone!

Yesterday the weather forecast wasn’t that good looking for today, but luckily the morning turned out to be quite a good one! Dante went observing at Verdens Ende 1. The highlight today were the 47 Bewick’s Swans (Pibesvane), a record! We also had 1086 Whooper Swans (Sangsvane) migrating. This morning seemed to be a morning of big numbers, there were also thousands of Common Scoters (Sortand) migrating south-east and Dante also counted 7046 Chaffinches (Bogfinke).


Bewick's Swans, photo taken near Bergenhusen, Germany (Lisa Vergin)

At the same time, Lauren, Yehonatan and Simon were out ringing at Kabletrommeln. They had 21 birds in total. Their highlight was a Northern Bullfinch (Stor Dompap; ssp. pyrrhula). You can see the details in the end of this blogpost.

Unfortunately, two of our lovely guests, Lotte and Anne drove back home today. We were very glad to welcome you here at Skagen Fuglestation! And of course thank you for your help and interest in our work!

In the afternoon the sun came out a little bit. Yehonatan went to Ellekrattet, where he spotted a Sparrowhawk (Spurvehøg) catching a Blackbird (Solsort) right in front of him! Another event of this afternoon was our new Kabeltrommeln arriving. Unfortunately, the old one broke (we were using it as our ringing-table), so Simon ordered a new one. The next step is to get this new one up to Kabeltrommeln… If you are someone who owns a trailer and would be so kind to help us out with transporting the Kabeltrommeln maybe to the parking lot at Grenen, we would be very glad if you could let us know. That would be amazing!


Dante and Lauren prepared a lovely dinner for us this evening. God nat fra det Grå Fyr!


Today's observations of observers in the area

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day


2 Jernspurv (Dunnock)

2 Rødhals (Robin)

1 Solsort (Backbird)

1 Sangdrossel (Song Thrush)

3 Blåmejse (Blue Tit)

8 Musvit (Great Tit)

1 Bogfinke (Chaffinch)

1 Dompap (Bullfinch)

1 Stor Dompap (Northern Bullfinch)

1 Rørspurv (Reed Bunting)

Total: 21

People at the station: Lauren Evans, Johanna Veentjer, Dante Shepherd, Yehonatan ben aroia, Britta, Lotte and Anne