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Bird Festival Day Three

lørdag 20. maj 2023
af Lauren Evans

Today was the third and final day of the Bird Festival. Michael and I headed to Kabeltromlen and had the nets open by 04:15. Lisa and Simon then joined Michael at the ringing whilst I headed out to Sandclit for morning observations with Dante, Jan, and the other birders gathered there. It was a rather quiet morning in terms of numbers, but we had some excellent birds including 2 Islom (Great Northern Diver), 2k Hedehøg (Montagu’s Harrier), 1 Steppehøg (Pallid Harrier), 1 Gulirisk (Serin), 3 Biæder (Bee-eater) and 1 Rødstrubet Piber (Red-throated Pipit).

The ringing team at Kabeltromlen caught 15 birds including the first Landsvale (Swallow) ringed of the year which the Bird Festival visitors were more than happy to see.

20th May Lesser Whitethroat

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat).

Simon gave two presentations throughout the day; the first on plastic pollution in Mallemuk (Fulmar) and the second, entitled ‘Night at the Station’, about night monitoring and night catching.

20th May Simon Presentation

Simon giving a presentation on plastic pollution in Mallemuk (Fulmars).

The festival concluded this evening with an open barbeque which was well attended by both local birders and visitors. Simon also awarded the prize for the rarest bird found during festival to Kent Olsen for the outstanding find of the Stillehavs Lom (Pacific Diver)- the second record for both Skagen and Denmark.

A full list of today's observations can be found here.

Skagen Fuglestation: Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Lauren Evans

Kabeltromlen Ringing Totals:

Munk (Blackcap)- 2

Rødhals (Robin)- 3

Landsvale (Swallow)- 1

Gærdesmutte (Wren)- 2

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat)- 3

Sivsanger (Sedge Warbler)- 1

Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat)- 1

Havesanger (Garden Warbler)- 2

Total: 15