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Wren, Icterine Warbler and too much sunshine

onsdag 24. maj 2023
af Michael Colley

 As usual, we started the day with a ringing session at Kabeltromlen at sunrise where nets were open at 4:15 am. I was with Lauren and Chloe; we were later joined by Simon and the guests at the apartment, Søren and Karen Marie.

IMG_3401.jpegWe had a slow morning session with 14 birds of 8 species. But throughout the ringing session we were kept busy by the mosquitoes at Kabeltromlen. The nets were closed by 9:30 because there were only few birds to ring. Sunny weather and almost no wind gives only few birds in the nets - but those we had were great.


Photos: Søren Leth-Nissen.

Link for today’s observations 

Ringing total 14 birds:
Common Whitethroat/ Tornsanger 3
Lesser Whitethroat/ Gærdesanger 4
Chiffchaff/ Gransanger 1
Wren/ Gærdesmutte 1
Pied Fiycatcher / Broget Fluesnapper 1
Icterine warbler/ Gulbug 1
Blackcap/ Munk 2
Garden Warbler/ Havesanger 1

Dante and Zack were at the observation site, they had many birds around but with less migration than other days.

The highlights of the observation this morning:

Rosefinch / Karmindompap 1
Shag / Topskarv 3
Ring Ouzel / Ringdrossel 1
Short-Eared Owl / Mosehornugle 1
Red-Backed Shrike / Rødrygget Tornskade 3
White-tailed Eagle / 1


At Skagen Fuglestation:

Michael Colley, Dante Shepherd, Chloé Meymy, Lauren Evans, Zack, Simon S. Christiansen, Søren & Karen Marie Leth-Nissen.


Honey Buzzard/Hvepsevåge observed from Kabeltromlen.