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Marsh Warbler Day

lørdag 3. juni 2023
af Michael Colley

The day started well an early morning ringing session, where the nets where open by 4:30am at Kabeltromlen and we were later joined by Simon,We had a positive session with 72 birds of 14 species, it was marsh Warbler day with 15 marsh warbler/ kersanger and it was a nice day of ringing  with many species where recorded, we had had the first grey wagtail for the spring.

Troels was also at the ringing site taking blood samples on birds from africa for West Nile virus.

My experience of the day was, i had two new species on my in-hand list which were Hawfinch and Grey Wagtail, where the opertunity to able to age them all, then that has added to my ringing experience. Zach was on observations but also based at Kabeltromlen for the day and so helped out a bit with taking photos from the ringing when needed.  After a longday of ringing and birding, Simon and Lisa cookd us a delicious dinner.

 QX7A4369Kernebider (Hawfinch) by Zach Pannifer

People: Lisa Vergin, Michael Colley, Simon S Christiansen, Troels Eske Ortvad, Zach Pannifer

Highlights from the field:

Sydlig Nattergal (Common Nightingale) - 1

Nattergal (Thrush Nightingale) - 1

Sort Glente (Black Kite) - 2

Havørn (White-tailed Eagle) - 1

Biæder (Bee-eater) - 1

Sortspætte (Black Woodpecker) - 1

Pirol (Golden Oriole) - 4

Karmindompap (Rosefinch) - 1

Gulirisk (Serin) - 1

A Greenish Warbler (Lundsanger), Bluethroat (Nordlig Blåhals) and River Warbler (Flodsanger) were also seen or heard by other birders in the area. Link to full list of observations here.

Ringing (Kabeltromlen):

Gransanger (Chiffchaff) - 1

Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) - 9

Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler) - 15

Rørsanger (Reed Warbler) - 2

Tornsanger (Whitethroat) - 5

Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) - 3

Havesanger (Garden Warbler) - 6

Munk (Blackcap) - 4

Gulbug (Icterine Warbler) - 7

Lille Gråsisken (Lesser Redpoll) - 10

Kernebider (Hawfinch) - 1

Rødstjert (Redstart) - 1

Rødhals (Robin) - 1

Musvit (Great Tit) - 1

Gærdesmutte (Wren) - 1

Skovpiber (Tree Pipit) - 1

Bjergvipstjert (Grey Wagtail) - 1

Bogfinke (Chaffinch) - 2

Total: 72