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Foggy morning and a Nightjar

torsdag 8. juni 2023
af Toh Ying Ying

Another day dawned with a mysterious fog that had descended the previous evening, but like the resilient birds we study, we patiently awaited the opportune moment to venture out for another day of ringing and observation.

Accompanied by a buzzing entourage of mosquitoes, Michael, Zach, and I headed over to Kabeltromlen. The mistnets welcomed more birds than it did yesterday, surpassing yesterday's count. Among them were an Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) and a Song Thursg (Sangdrossel). Amidst the flurry of feathers, Troels brought the team Danish pastries to share, energizing us for what’s to come. nthusiasts in Skagen. After capturing photographs of the Nightjar, we released it onto a neighbouring tree branch, where it blended back into its surroundings.
WhatsApp Image 2023 06 08 at 5.53.58 PMMisty Morning

As the ringing session approached its end, Simon's heard the call of a Nightjar (Natravn), setting our pulses racing with anticipation. Zach and I went about our rounds, until we heard it call again, and with a sense of urgency finished the round, ready to look out for the mysterious guest. Zach found it camouflaging itself as an ordinary branch, where it flew straight into the nets. Simon livestreamed the moment on Facebook, sharing the experience with bird enthusiasts in Skagen. After capturing photographs of the Nightjar, we released it onto a neighbouring tree branch, where it blended back into its surroundings.


Nightjar (Natravn)

People: Jakob Bjarkholt, Michael Colley, Simon S. Christiansen, Toh Ying Ying, Troels Eske Ortvad, Zach Pannifer, Lauren Evans, Dante Shepherd, Jane & Jens Peter Brenøe

Link to observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Natravn (Nightjar): 1

Sangdrossel (Song Thrush): 1 

Rørsanger (Reed Warbler): 1

Kærsanger (Marsh Warbler): 4

Gulbug (Icterine Warbler): 1

Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat): 3

Munk (Blackcap): 2

Bogfinke (Chaffinch): 1

Total: 14