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Space Station

fredag 21. juli 2023
af Seán Walsh

Last night, Lisa and Simon spent a long time trying to download data from the base station (which he keeps accidentally refering to as the space station) we had left near a tern roost on Grenen. It's meant for a project for Aarhus University, tracking Splitterne (Sandwhich Tern) but unfortunately we did not get any hits. Tern numbers have been a little lower this week than last. Later I took it out again around 5pm and moved its position slightly to be closer to the tern roost, in hopes of it managing to download data from a radio-tagged tern.

There were many birders, including Simon and Knud, at Grenen today from sunrise onwards. They all spent many hours looking for the Cistussanger (Zitting Cisticola) and were blessed with better views and better audibility than yesterday! Today it kept a more consistent location, hanging around the rushes behind World's End 3. It regularly flew, allowing for nice views and even for some pictures. I didn't get to see it today, though. As usual, Erik managed somehow to get some pretty good pictures.

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Aside from the Cistussanger, we also observed two Almindelig Skråpe (Manx Shearwater) not too far, and later very far, at sea.

A new volunteer also arrived today from Germany, Martina! She has been here twice before and will this time stay until mid August.

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Skagen People: Seán Walsh, Kalina Siwek, Martina Hillbrand, Knud Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen, Mark & his children.