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the autumn is back

lørdag 18. november 2023
af Simon Kiesé

The last week was cold and windy so we have got winter vibes. But today was different. The wind died down and a forein star showed up. I've been told they call it the sun, but even the experts have not seen it for a while. 

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Since it is still kind of cold we followed the genius plan to switch at the count after two hours. Due to that, Gustav could sleep in and I counted from 8 to 10am. When I arrived a Great Nothern Diver (Islom) swam close to the shore. This gave really nice views!

181112023skblog 1 Later a Waxwing (Silkehale) and a Lapland Bunting (Lapværling) flew over. When Gustav arrived, he directly found a young Scaup (Bjergand), which was flying together with Common (Sortander) and Velvet Scoters (Fløjlsand). After a short while seawatching together I left to look for birds in the area. The birds also seemed to enjoy the nice weather and after a few meters on the road a flock of Bearded Tits (Skægmejse) and Long-tailed tits (Halemejse) (6 caudatus/nordlig, 1 europaeus/sudlig) showed up well.

In the meanwhile, Mathilde and Thomas had the best day at KAB for a while. Some Common Redpolls (Stor Gråsisken) got new rings, but also a beautiful male Yellowhammer (Gulspurv). This one was the first one Mathilde has had in her hands! Even some late Blackcaps (Munk) were there. Quite many Wrens (Gærdesmutte) keeped us busy, but we still had enough time to enjoy a nice male Bearded Tit (Skægmejse). 

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On the way back we helped at Jennes Sø, because there were super many Common Redpolls (Stor Gråsisken).This amount of birds was really crazy to see. Two Parrot Crossbills (Stor Korsnæb) flew over and this beautiful young Arctic Redpoll (Hvidsisken) got a ring:

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Now it is dark outside and we use this to enter the data from today, to got shopping and to cook. Then we still have enough time to go nightcatching. Hopefully tonight the Woodcocks (Skovsneppe) are less jumpy than last night. After that Lasse, a good friend of mine who volunteered this autumn at Lista Bird Observatory (Norway), will arrive for visitin us for a few days. I'm looking forward to that!

Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Bullfinch (ssp. pyrrhula)
Dompap, Stor (ssp. pyrrhula)
3  RI                
 Chaffinch Bogfinke 3 RI                  
 Blackcap Munk 2 RI                  
 Bullfinch Dompap, Lille (ssp. europaea) 2 RI                  
 Blue Tit Blåmejse 4 RI                  
 Robin Rødhals 1 RI                  
 Bearded Tit Skægmejse 1 RI                  
 Redpoll Gråsisken 1 RI                  
 Common Redpoll Nordlig Gråsisken 16 RI                  
 Wren Gærdesmutte 5 RI                  
 Yellowhammer Gulspurv 1 RI                  
 Blackbird Solsort 1 RI  

Ringing (Jennes Sø):

Bullfinch (ssp. pyrrhula) Dompap, Stor (ssp. pyrrhula) 1  RI                
 Great Tit Musvit 4 RI                  
 Tree Sparrow Skovspurv 3 RI                  
 Blackcap Munk 1 RI                  
 Siberian Chiffchaff Gransanger, Sibirisk (ssp. tristis) 1 RI          

Arctic Redpoll




 Lesser Redpoll Lille Gråsisken 8 RI                  
 Common Redpoll Nordlig Gråsisken 375 RI                  
 Wren Gærdesmutte 5 RI                  
 Crested Tit Topmejse 4 RI                  
 Blue Tit Blåmejse 3 RI                  
 Robin Rødhals 5 RI

Total: 411

Today’s observations on Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Thomas Weston, Mathilde Ducroz, Gustav Nyberg, Simon Kiesé, Lasse Heckroth, Michael Ancher, Jeppe Therkildsen Madsen.