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Snow Snow Snow

tirsdag 6. februar 2024
af James Wareing

This morning I spent a couple of hours observing the seabirds with the lovely Knud, who is always very generous with his time in helping volunteers like me. The weather is now not as windy, but as you can see from the birder and forecast below, it has turned ever so slightly colder. It certainly felt that way sitting in the sand dunes with the wind in our faces. Fortunately, Knud informed me that we currently have the best weather in Denmark, so I guess I should be grateful.



The birds certainly seemed to be thankful for the high winds to have stopped and we were rewarded for our commitment with over 3000 Guillemots (Lomvien) in just two hours flying through (mainly to the north-west). Along with the usual seabirds, 63 Canada Geese (Canadagåsen) were also seen flying north, perhaps escaping the Danish weather and two Mute Swans (Knopsvanen) arrived in Denmark from the north, probably regretting their decision.

One notable absentee was a Gannet (Morus), which we did not see for the entire first hour. As soon as Knud noted this to me, we saw one within the next few minutes. I optimistically then announced that we had not seen an albatross (Albatrosser) yet, but maybe the ability to call in birds is reserved only for bird-whispers like Knud.

I am glad to report that beaches do not just wash up plastic. What is without life can still be full of life, as a dead harbour porpoise (Marsvin) had provided a good feed to the gulls. We also found a dead Herring Gull (Sølvmåge) which had been ringed in the South of Norway five years ago.   

We escaped just in time before the snow started and I now write watching the snow gust past my window. This is certainly one of life’s more satisfying feelings, knowing you are warm and cosy inside (and not a bird). I think it will remain that way for the rest of today.


Link to todays observations from observers in the area

People: James Wareing