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Super Ice

fredag 9. februar 2024
af James Wareing

Yesterday's radio silence was brought about by a large amount of snow falling on Wednesaday night (around 3cm). When Simon explained to me that February is the quiet/cold/wet/snowy month for the observatory and did I really still want to come, this is what I excitedly signed up for...I can now understand why most people just sit and wait comfortably until spring! But their loss is my gain, and Skagen under a blanket of snow is particularly beautiful, if only now a little colder. 


The birds though do not seem to mind and put on a nice display this morning as I did my seawatch. There were high numbers of Common Guillemots (Lomvie) as close to 2000 were seen over the course of two hours. Also present in hight numbers were Common Scoters (Sortand) and Black-legged Kittiwakes (Ride). The gulls in particular, were often quite close to shore, which gave me a good excuse to move my feet and try and take some photographs. The wind (or at least I blame the wind) ruined a few of my photographs but a couple turned out ok.  


Ride (Black-legged Kittiwake)


Common Eider (Edderfugl)


Herring Gull (Sølvmåge)


Great Black-backed Gull (Svartbag)

For those of you less familiar with a seawatch, this involves watching and counting all the birds you can see flying over the sea in hourly intervals, usually using a scope. Despite the cold, it is actually a rather civilised affair, and I was able to enjoy a nice armchair and listen to a podcast at the same time. At least it may seem cosy from the first view. The second photo shows the birder/criminal/both himself, I will let the reader decide. 



As my reference point on the horizon I had a ship at anchor that was appropriately named Super Ice, as if to remind me of just how my feet were feeling at all times. Arctic Lady was also at anchor nearby, just to reinforce the message. I am hoping Tropical Islander will be sailing here tomorrow to give me some warmer vibes (although that is currently near South Korea, so is probably unlikely). 


Tomorrow apparently brings more snow and maybe the day after that and the day after that, with a bit more snow forecasted for the following day too...Regardless, you know where to find me; sitting on a beach in my armchair watching the birds (it sounds idyllic at least!). 


Link to todays observations from observers in the area

People: James Wareing