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The difference between the English and the Danish

lørdag 10. februar 2024
af James Wareing

There is no need for a report on the weather here today, because you can all understand the theme by now. 


Today's seawatch was not as productive as yesterday in terms of numbers (not aided by half the sea being covered in fog), but it did produce a new bird for me. This was a Little Auk (Søkonge), which was a very nice surprise whizzing close to the shore. My bird app describes their size as similar to that of a grapefruit, so for those of you who have not seen a Little Auk before, just imagine a flying black and white grapefruit. I was also very excited to see an Atlantic Puffin (Lunde). This was another bird that I had always wanted to see and my excitement warmed me until I got home. However, on closer analysis with Simon, he informed me that what I had seen was probably just a Guillemot or a Razorbill (Lomvie or Alk) and my first puffin will have to wait....So there are no cute puffin photos, we will just have to make do with Common Gulls (Stormmåge) instead. 


Rolf Christiansen very astutely pointed out on Facebook yesterday that only 1 of the 100 local birders (1%) was out birding yesterday (and that was him). He makes a very good point, the weather was indeed windy, cold and more conducive to staying inside. However, by my quick maths, 100% of the English birders in Skagen were out birding yesterday. The only logical conclusion is that the English are perhaps a little tougher than the Danish...*runs for cover*. 

Birding today reminds me of a quote from a Olympic gold medallist, Daley Thompson (from England), who said that he trains twice on Christmas Day because he knows that he has gained two training sessions on his rivals. Perhaps, the Little Auk is what I gained today...

Link to todays observations from observers in the area

People: James Wareing