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What you find in Caves

lørdag 24. februar 2024
af James Wareing

Good afternoon from sunny Skagen after a couple of days' radio silence (you can all stop worrying about me now). We were hit by a storm yesterday, producing winds of near 100km/h, so there was nothing of any note to report. I generally remained caved away other than for a brief run to town and back. Running against the wind, I was all but jogging on the spot, which much have looked as strange as it did foolhardy to the few onlookers in their cars. Having said that, the return with the wind on my back was a joy. When not at the lighthouse, I also displayed my troglodytic tendencies by spending some time in one of the old bunkers watching the waves crash in front of me. 'Fun' fact: 'Troglodytic', deriving from the Ancient Greek for cave dwelling, produces the scientific name of the Wren (Gærdesmutte) genus, as they tend to enter small crevices in their search for food. But I significantly digress...


My seawatching cave, no wrens were found here

Today was another beautiful Skagen morning for which its light deserves its reputation. I headed out to watch the seabirds and what they lacked in numbers, they made up for in variety. I believe, I may have seen an Iceland Gull (Hvidvinget måge), so I reached for my camera to get definitive proof. My camera had other ideas, telling me there was no SD card inserted. If there is a quality I do not like in people, it is lying. At least with people though, you can try to beat this with logic and proving them wrong. When inanimate objects lie, it is even worse. They are immune to logic, and no matter how hard I tried to persuade my camera that there really was an SD card inside, and it had actually used said SD card 10 minutes before, it remained steadfastly stubborn. Annoyed by this wanton and abject laziness, I returned to my scope to find the putative Iceland Gull had disappeared.  

The signs of spring are continuing to emerge (when the weather allows) and the Sky Larks (Sanglærke), were in full voice this morning. Green-winged Teal (Krikand) and Goldeneye (Hvinand) were notable passers by, while 6 Common Ringed Plovers (Stor præstekrave) dropped in. With the camera going on strike, we have to make do with a photograph of a plover through the scope itself...


Having declared Denmark Viking-free a few days ago, I was perturbed to find on the horizon the ship 'Magne Viking', which was heading on a course directly for Britain. I can only imagine its intentions...



If Celine is reading this post, good morning 

Link to today's observations from observers in the area

People: James Wareing