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It's been migration

torsdag 29. februar 2024
af Johanna Veentjer

Hej everyone!

This is Johanna, one of the new volunteers that have arrived yesterday. It’s my third time at the station in Skagen now and I am very exited for the two weeks ahead. While Skagen welcomed us with sun yesterday evening, today started not bright. The rain and the storm made a count impossible, so we started the day a bit slower and then the three of us went for a long walk around the tip, where we saw some Sanderlings (Sandlober), a couple of hooded crows (Gramage)  feeding on a harbour porpoise cadaver, and of course some groups of gulls and cormorants (Skarv). We also saw two Merganser ( Toppet Skallesluger), Gannets (Sule), one Guillemot (Lomvie), and a Red throated diver ( Rødstrubet lom  ), as well as a group of Oystercatchers ( Strandskade). Besides we also found a dead Crested Grebe (Toppet lappedykker), a dead Guillemot (Lomvie) and a lot of dead seals.


What a surprise, we were the only persons walking at the beach today, and I always enjoy those walks where you are just surrounded by nature. Especially when you are walking around the tip, it is hard to imagine that it is flooded by tourists, not gulls, during the summer.



Seaweed fight at Grenen

In the afternoon the two other new volunteers arrived. Simon has been spotted before in Skagen, and having overwintered at the Wadden Sea he now migrated north. He was aided by some strong southernly winds and so arrived ahead of schedule. Magnus is from Danmark, so he hadn’t such a long travel to the station. He also brought some typical Danish cake for us, which was delicious.

In the evening, Simon K. and James decided to go out night catching and after half an hour they came back with a Rock pipit (Skærpiber)! We were all very excited, what a success! Now Mira, Simon and Magnus went out again for a second try. We will keep you updated!

Ringing (Ellekrattet):

Rock Pipit (Skærpiber) - 1

Total: 1

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area

People: Mira Kieckbusch, James Wareing, Michael Anker, Simon Kiese, Magnus, Johanna Veentjer