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Small Birds and cold hands

tirsdag 26. marts 2024
af Hannes Schäfer

Last night Simon and I went nightcatching once again. There were only a few birds in the meadows but we got lucky with a Meadow Pipit (Engpiber).

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Ringing started at 05:15 in the morning so Hayley, Isis and I got out of the lighthouse and started our walk to Kabeltromlen. The weather wasn't to bad but it was cold. At the ringing site the singing Bitterns (Rørdrum) accompanyed us while we opend the nets. Simon sr joined us for the first rounds which was good, because there were quit some birds around. The calls of Goldcrests (Fuglekonge) and Wrens (Gærdesmutte) were present for the whole ringing session. So were the birds. We had quite a hard time handling the little wigglers with our at this time really cold hands (0°C) While we were busy ringing Simon jr and Magnus made their way to Nordstrand to start the migration-count. While the first hour was not to bad, but still not that exiting, they had a hard time sitting at the beach because there was not to much happening. Lucky for them they got some company by other birders. Not only Knud was around but also Alfred, a 11 year old boy, was there and helped them quit a bit by counting the migrating Sommon Scoters (Sortand). Great work here!

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Ringing ended with 68 new birds ringed and is to that day the best day this spring. We made our way back to the lighthouse where we took a rest and had our second breakfast. After counting Simon jr was just about to lock his bike and join us when he quickly checked some gulls flying over and was able to find a Iceland Gull making its way to the harbor! Magnus was still outside and got lucky relocating the Hoopoe (Hærfugle) which is still around.

Later Simon sr picked us up and we went to drive to the harbor to have a look at the gulls. We weren't able to find the Iceland Gull (Hvidvinget Måge) again but saw a Greater Black-Bagged Gull (Svartbag) with a ring. It was ringed as a pullus in southern Norway in 2022, and was already seen by me 2 days ago at Nordstrand.

When we arrived back home Simon sr had a presentation about how to age birds. It really helped understanding the different moult strategies.

Tomorrow morning I will take the train back to Germany. It was a short time up here but I really enjoyed it. There are so many nice people around and nature isn't to bad as well that I might use some southern winds the next years to migrate up here again :)

Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Goldcrest  Fuglekonge 19  RI                
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 9 RI                  
 Blue Tit Blåmejse 4 RI                  
 Robin Rødhals 11 RI                  
 Wren Gærdesmutte 21 RI                  
 Blackbird Solsort 3 RI                  
 Redwing Vindrossel 1 RI

Total: 68

Ringing (Jennes Sø):

Goldcrest Fuglekonge 8  RI                
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 1 RI                  
 Lesser Redpoll  Lille Gråsisken 1 RI                  
 Common Redpoll  Nordlig Gråsisken 47 RI

Total: 57

Ringing (Nordstjernevej):

Goldcrest  Fuglekonge 3  RI                
 Blue Tit Blåmejse 1 RI

Total: 4

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day.

People: Hannes Schäfer, Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Alfred, Knud Pedersen, Simon S. Christiansen.