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A new highcount for Skagen!

onsdag 27. marts 2024
af Simon Kiesé

When we left the lighthouse one hour before sunrise, there was no sign that with the rising sun there would be loads of songbirds around. All bushes were filled with Goldcrests (Fuglekonge) and overhead you could hear the flight calls of Chaffinches (Bogfinke) and Mistle Thrushes (Misteldrossel). Soon the Goldcrests also flew into our nets to be taken out carefully and be ringed for our scientific work. Over the morning a fantastic total of 80 Goldcrests (Fulgekonge) got a brand new ring. Even if it was bit expected, a Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge) was a nice surprise.

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During ringing, we noticed the huge numbers of migrating passerines, but we were to busy to count those. Fortunately, that was no problem, because the counters at Nordstrand did a great job. Together with Knud and Eric, all the seabirds and the passerines got noted down in the notebook. Finally, raptor migration startet with some Merlins (Dværgfalk) and the first Rough-legged Buzzard (Fjeldvåge). Several thousands Woodpigeon (Ringdue) headed east and the Chaffinches (Bogfinke) summed up to 7550. After the standardised four hours the Mistle Thrush (Misteldrossel) number was alreadz very high, but there was some potential, Magnus noticed. In the following three hours he continued alone to finally reach the 3000 Mistle Thrushes! A new Skagen record!!

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The afternoon was filled with setting up new nets and ringing in the old lighthouse garden, having nice looks at the still present Hoopoe (Hærfugle) and looking at the age of some birds with Simon Sr. Finally Magnus and I went for a nice nightcatching round with wet feet and without any birds. Much effort and no birds, but maybe it will be the other way around the next time.

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 Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Goldcrest  Fuglekonge 80  RI                
 Firecrest Rødtoppet Fuglekonge 1 RI                  
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 3 RI                  
 Robin Rødhals 1 RI                  
 Dunnock     Jernspurv 1 RI                  
 Wren Gærdesmutte 5 RI
Blackbird Solsort 2 RI
Redwing Vindrossel 1 RI

Total: 94

Ringing (Jennes Sø):

Common Redpoll  Nordlig Gråsisken 20  RI                
 Robin Rødhals 1 RI                  
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 2 RI                  
 Goldcrest Fuglekonge 10 RI

Total: 33

Ringing (Nordstjernevej):

Lesser Redpoll   Lille Gråsisken 1  RI                
 Goldcrest Fuglekonge 1 RI                  
 Chiffchaff Gransanger 1 RI

Total: 3

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

Sum of the raptors in the area based on observations typed into Dofbasen the same day.

People: Hannes Schäfer, Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Hanelie Sidhu, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Jonas Pedersen, Simon Kiesé, Alfred, Knud Pedersen, Eric Christophersen, Simon S. Christiansen.