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The Depths of Cormorant Lake

onsdag 24. april 2024
af Isis Khalil
Hello everybody! This morning started out as usual, with a slightly different arrangement. Simon (Jr) and I opened the nets at Kabeltromlen and were joined by Simon (Sr) and Hanelie shortly after, while Hayley and Magnus went out to World’s End 1 to count. Simon (Jr) got to practice being in charge of ringing, and everything went very well! Good job Simon! 
Following the trend of the previous days, things at both World’s End 1 and Kabeltromlen were very slow. Although we did have 100% different species at Kabeltromlen! (Ignoring the small detail of there only having been 6 new birds ringed today). 
Simon (Sr) was concerned for the wellbeing of his workers during this painfully slow morning, so much so that he got Hanelie a beautiful stick to play with! She was overjoyed by this gift as you can see below: 
Hanelie holding up her gift from Simon (Sr).
The sluggish start to our day was in stark contrast to the busy afternoon we had in store for us at Cormorant Lake. After only getting a short period of time to finish our morning tasks and to eat some lunch, Simon (Sr) came to pick us up so that we could set up the Constant Effort Site (CES) at Cormorant Lake. 
This involved lots of carrying heavy equipment, cutting bushes, and planning out net lanes that will remain as they are FOREVER! (Very intimidating). Although Simon (Sr) was very helpful with transporting and helping us, his car struggled a bit with all the equipment and people… during the drive here we all agreed it would benefit the station a lot to have a larger vehicle we can use to move heavy equipment (and the entire team) more safely and efficiently. 
Simon (Sr)’s car (the batmobile) doing its very best to carry us to Cormorant Lake. (Photo by: Hanelie Sidhu).
Simon (Sr) bravely protecting our precious nets from a hostile shrub. 
Hayley, Hanelie, and Simon (Sr) braving the depths… will they find Davy Jones?
We worked hard all evening, and managed to put up 9 nets in total. The rest will have to be put up tomorrow since we are missing a bit of equipment that we may need to steal from the nets in the Lighthouse Garden or at Kabeltromlen. 
While Magnus, Hanelie, Hayley, Simon (Sr), and I were at Cormorant Lake, Simon (Jr) was also being productive back at the lighthouse. He managed to ensure all the raptor summaries were up to date and do plenty of quality assurance. He also went with our guest Helle to the grocery store to pick up some important snacks.
By the time everyone was done and back at the station it was already evening! What a day… it was not over yet, though, when we arrived we were greeted by the most pleasant smell of garlic and butter. Our guests were kind enough to prepare a delicious and luxurious dinner for us, tak! This was heavily appreciated after our long day, and we all enjoyed it greatly. We also enjoyed lots of conversation with them and spending time in good company. 
A beautiful dinner prepared by Helle Rasmussen and Johan Deichmann, mange tak!
After dinner, we had a small jam session in the living room, since Simon (Jr) learned his arm is healed enough to play guitar again. Then we entered our data from the day (since we had not had any time to do so earlier) and were all more than ready for bed.
See you soon! 
Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet)
Wren (Gærdesmutte) 1
Common Chiffchaff (Gransanger) 1
Song Thrush (Sangdrossel) 1
Lesser Whitethroat (Gærdesanger) 1
Eurasian Blackcap (Munk) 1
Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) 1
Total: 6
People: Hayley Land, Isis Khalil, Hanelie Sidhu, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen, Jørgen Hulbæk, Our Guests Helle Rasmussen and Johan Deichmann