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fredag 14. juni 2024
af Magnus Houen Lauritsen

Today turned out to be a great Fulmar day.

I woke up at 03.25, ready for having a sleep in. But since I was the one in charge of counting, I had to grab the bull by its horns and make it out of bed. Since we now have ice coffee in the fridge, that’s the boost needed in the morning. I stood in the kitchen and enjoyed nature waking up outside our kitchen windows, only armed with flowered underwear and a glass of ice coffee. 

I made myself a sandwich I could bring for the count, before I headed out. I was at Worlds End 1 at sunrise, and quickly checked for migration fulmars. There were some, but not so many, that we would end above 300 during the day. After a quick check of the bushes with the scopes, I focused on the sea again, which I did for all the five hours, due to the slow passerine migration. As an example, I didn't have any chaffinches, which was odd. I ended up having approximately 320 fulmars, which were a new record for me. Otherwise there only was a Rosy Finch as the most noticeable.

The lack of passerines in the ringing was noticed in the ringing aswell. A rather slow day with approximately 20 birds, with Sedge Warbler (sivsanger) as the most special bird.


An american hangar ship have been staying in the harbour, before it headed back to sea today. Quite a sight! Photo: Magnus Houen Lauritsen

After a successful day in the field, we all headed back before the rain approached. We all made ourselves some lunch, before we had a nap of 2-3 hours.

The afternoon was spent watching Forrest Gump, while having pizza that I bought in Netto for only 15 kroner (2 euros) per pizza. So I of course bought 12. I bought sour cream and dip as well, but forgot the chips (crisps) *stupid*

After hour movie-night, we headed for bed and prepared for the last day of systematic counting tomorrow. It will be emotional. Especially for me.


Ringing (Kabeltromlekrattet):

Blackcap   Munk 10  RI
 Marsh Warbler Kærsanger 5 RI  
Icterine Warbler Gulbug 1 RI  
Garden Warbler  Havesanger 1 RI  
Chaffinch Bogfinke 2 RI  
Sedge warbler Sivsanger 1 RI

Total: 20

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Sum of observations of raptors on DOFbasen from today.

Seán Walsh, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Simon S. Christiansen and Søren Leth-Nissen.