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Simon's first Swallow

lørdag 15. juni 2024
af Seán Walsh

Today was probably the earliest start we would ever have to endure, as the sunrise has finally reached its earliest for the summer (04:16). And since we had to go to the CES site at Skarvsøen, that meant leaving the station at 02:45 to open nets from 03:15 to be completely open at 03:45. So that's a very long, early morning. And Simon was convinced it wouldn't be worth it.  Opening didn't take so long as usual, just that the nets were a bit harder to open because we don't open them so often. 

The first round yielded the usual birds; an early morning Solsort (Blackbird) and Rørsanger (Reed Warbler). What surprised Simon the most was the number of birds in this and in the subsequent rounds. Because of the wind, he had expected a day far worse for numbers, but it turned out to be an average of 5 birds per round right until the end. The big highlight in the first round was a Landsvale (Barn Swallow), a species we rarely catch but often see in their dozens. Simon got to ring this bird, which was his first, and he hadn't seen this bird in hand for a few years. swsw15062024

While birding in the morning while I was walking a net round, Simon found a (probable) Sandterne (Gull-billed Tern), which are very rare up here. The nearest breeding colony is on the north-west coast of Germany. Later, while in between rounds, he was preparing a ringing bag when he looked up and found a Rovterne (Caspian Tern) flying along the lake! That was two strokes of luck that morning, all while I was busy doing something else.

Isis and Magnus did the morning count today; the very last one of the season. As dramatic as that sounds, the actual observations were underwhelming, with the highlights being an Almindelig Kjove (Arctic Skua). Later, they went to Grenen beach to try to see our rare terns, but to no joy.

After ringing and counting Isis, Simon and I made an unsuccesful attempt to ring Stor Præsterkrave chicks at Nordstrand, and later (while I was asleep) welcomed newcomer Lucas Corneliussen to the volunteer team.

Ringing (Skarvsøen):

Barn Swallow (Landsvale): 1

Reed Warbler (Rørsanger): 15

Garden Warbler (Havesanger): 1

Common Whitethroat (Tornsanger): 2

Chiffchaff (Gransanger): 1

Total: 20

A link to today's observations from volunteers and local observers.

Sum of observations of raptors on DOFbasen from today.

Seán Walsh, Isis Khalil, Magnus Houen Lauritsen and Simon Kiesé.