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The first chilled day

fredag 21. juni 2024
af Simon Kiesé

Since we finished our ringing standard, it was the first morning this year, we were able to sleep in. To be honest - I really needed this after getting up at 2:30 am for many days in a row and the fun night with the Ringed Plover (Stor Præstekrave) catching made me a bit tired the last days. Now we could finally get the sleep, we needed. I woke up around 9, but Séan managed it to sleep longer, that the past 4 nights summed up. That's crazy!

The morning at Grenen was good, too. Knud counted the high amount of Fulmars (Mallemuk), that flew out of Kattegat since the wind slowed down. The day total of over 1000 Fulmars is really impressive. A late Shag (Topskarv) and a immature Great Skua (Storkjove) rewarded the effort one more time.

Rika headed back to southeastern Denmark. It was nice to meet you, have fun at your local CES site!

It was very warm, but that did not stop Lucas and me to go for a walk. The highlight was a Black Kite (Sort Glente), which enjoyed the warm air. Afterwards we tried to trap Stonechats (Sortstrubet Bynkefugl), which flew around with their chicks. We did not suceed, but I saw a Skylark (Sanglærke) flying with food to a possible nest. So we sat down to try to locate the nest, when Isis walked towards us. She just came back from Belgium, where she visited her niece for the first time. It was very nice to see her again!

21062024 roadtripRoadtrip!

Then we headed south to Lille Vildmose, where a Collared Pratincole (Rødvinget Braksvale) was found. Unfortunately, it was flushed by a White-tailed Eagle (Havørn) right before we arrived. It was still a nice trip, because we saw Whooper Swans (Sangsvane), Corn Buntings (Bomlærke) and many Black-necked Grebes (Sorthalset Lappedykker).

Today’s observations in Dofbasen from observers in the area.

People: Isis Khalil, Lucas Corneliussen, Seán Walsh, Magnus Houen Lauritsen, Simon Kiesé, Rika Pydde, Lisa Vergin, Simon S. Christianen, Jesper & Anne.