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The last day of storms (hopefully)

søndag 11. august 2024
af Asia Kane

Hello cherished readers!

This morning proved too windy to open nets, so we all headed out to World’s End 3 to do observations instead. There were good numbers of Sule (Gannets) over the sea, and we were pleased to see a couple of distant Storkjøve (Great Skuas). 3 Solstrubet Lom (Black-throated Divers) showed well and remained close by all day, which was also nice to see.

Afterwards, Andrew and I headed to Netto to get some groceries. I wasn’t looking forward to cycling in the strong wind, so we decided to conserve our energy and walk instead. On the way back, we spotted a Spurvehøg (Sparrowhawk) circling above town.

In the afternoon I went for a walk along the beach, intending to head down Nordstrand to Skagen Vest Fyr. Unfortunately, I had underestimated the strength of the wind on the exposed beach and decided to cut my odyssey short, turning back before I reached Vest Fyr.  On the walk, I was delighted to see a pair of Gul Vipstjert (Yellow Wagtails) – these charming birds are one of my favourites!

aug 11 blog

A photo of the wind-blasted landscape from my walk.

Andrew also went on a walk, where he found a lonely juniper tree and 2 Tårnfalk (Common Kestrels).

photo aug 11

Andrew's lonely juniper tree.

Ragnar cycled out to Nordstrand to do some more birding, and was lucky enough to see 2 Sodfarvet Skråpe (Sooty Shearwaters)! He shared this photo with us.

sooty shearwater

A Sodfarvet Skråpe/Sooty Shearwater.

Lucas cooked us a delicious dinner of fried rice and we are now getting organised for tomorrow. Since we will finally be getting some calm weather after all this rain and wind, the ringing is predicted to be good and we’re all very excited. Will tomorrow be the day we catch a Vandsanger (Aquatic Warbler)? (It definitely will!)

Thank you for reading, and send us your best wishes for tomorrow when the storm ends!


People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Lucas Corneliussen, Joe Zeno, Andrew Commins, Asia Kane

Link to today's observations on Dofbasen