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Wind catching

tirsdag 3. september 2024
af Mara Glane


Today, instead of catching birds at Kabeltromlen, we caught some leaves, reeds, and a lot of wind. After catching three birds (one of them a beautiful Redstart / Rødstjert) and spending four hours with open nets, we decided to close them. The vegetation around the nets was getting quite high, so Rosa trimmed all the reeds back down after I closed the nets. Now, we're prepared for a better ringing day tomorrow (hopefully).

The boys had a nice morning at World End's 3, spotting a Great Skua (Storkjove), two Arctic Skuas (Almindelig Kjove), and two Fulmars (Malleuk). Augustin was pretty happy to get some more practice identifying the Fulmars.

In the afternoon, Rosa, Augustin, and I went on a walk along the beach to Nordstrand. We saw many adorable Sanderlings (Sandløber) and Common Ringed Plovers (Stor Præstekrave), a Bar-tailed Godwit (Lille Kobbersneppe), and two little seals chilling on the beach. Seal 03 09 2024

Seal laying on the beach

On our way back through the dunes, we took the opportunity to bring some poles left out from the CES ringing back to the station. We also got a nice view of a Marsh Harrier (Rørhøg).MaraAugustinCormorantLake

Augustin and I looking over the cormorant lake for some grebes.

Then we had a chill evening with a nice pasta dinner with our guest at the station.

Until tomorrow!

Ringing totals (Kabeltromlen):

Gransanger - 2

Rødstjert - 1

Total - 3

Link to todays observations in Skagen

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, Frederick Johansen, Augustin Sticksel, Ole & Brigitte and Mara Glane