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lørdag 7. september 2024
af Frederik Johansen

Today Ragnar and I went for observation at a new location on the worlds end three dune row. We made this decision to try to get a better view on the passerine migration. All-in-all I think it's a pretty good solution, because all of the passerines turned around almost right above us.

Ragnar focused on the sea migration and I focused on the in-land migration.

All ready when we began I could see a good amount of passerines flying around in land. Suddenly I saw a flock of meadow pipits coming straight towards us where on of them seemed a bit deviant. But I finished my scanning of the terrain to wait for them to approach us.

Korttaet laerke9070190

In my deep day-dreaming I suddenly hear a call which I immediately id as a GREATER SHORT-TOED LARK (korttået lærke)! I find it and put my binoculars on it. And there it was; a light sand-coloured small lark. Thank you for yet another rarety.

Later in the day after we'd ended the morning obs, Ragnar and I went to try to relocate it. We didn't find it but we found two CRESTED LARKS (toplærker) instead! SHIT!

Toplærke, Crested Lark

The ringing at Kabeltromlen was supervised by Lisa today. And she brought luck! They had 25 new birds today including a beautiful male redstart (rødstjert) and a young pied flycatcher (broget fluesnapper). 

WhatsApp Image 2024 09 07 at 09.20.49

Today was the first saturday of the month so it was big cleaning day. That took some hours and we all fell asleep afterwards...

Tonight we are trying the last storm-petrel-catching of the year, so we all cross our fingers. LET'S GET A STORM-PETREL TAK!

Ringing (Kabeltromlen)

Musvit - 1

Rødhals - 4

Rørsanger - 2

Rødstjert - 3

Broget Fluesnapper - 1

Munk - 2

Blåmejse - 1

Tornsanger - 1

Gransanger - 9

Total = 25

Link for today's observations in Skagen

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Rosa Hicks, Simon Sigaard Christiansen, Lisa Vergin, Augustin Sticksel, Frederik Johansen, Mara Glane, Henrik, Ole and Birgitte