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Im back - a short overview of the last few days

torsdag 16. januar 2025
af Ragnar Smith

Im back from vacation! I returned from three weeks of holiday on Zealand, and with no time wasted I immediately started birding on the 14/1, which resulted in a two Iceland Gulls (Hvidvinget Måge), an 1st winter and an adult. Both have probably been in Skagen since start December, but spent the time out at sea feeding, which results in the sporadic sightings we are treated to. The 1st winter I saw at the sandworm track and then again flying towards the harbour at sunset. The adult I also saw flying towards the harbour.

VideoCapture 20250114 162208An adult Iceland Gull I swear, documented with my phone as it went past the lighthouse.

15/1 the wind died down and the sun came out, so I went out to Worlds End 3 to do some migration counting and, on the way, out I heard a zello message about a King Eider (Kongeederfugl) adult male migrating NW! I went up and sat with Knud and Frede and started looking for it as it had been seen landing quite far west of the sandworm track. Luckily I refound it as it took off and flew SE and landed right out in front off the dune we were sitting on! Awesome observation and it’s crazy to see two different King Eiders in the span of less than a month. This is my third King Eider in Denmark and the third I have seen in Skagen. But otherwise the “best” bird of the day was actually four Greater White-fronted Geese (Blisgås) migrating SW, these are the first ones I have seen the last six months!

Screenshot 20250115 210748 GalleryKing Eider adult male! Looked much better live

Now, today 16/1 I once again sat in cover of the fence here at the lighthouse and checked all the gulls heading for the harbour for their night roost. It resulted in three different Caspian gulls (Kaspisk Måge) and a crazy observation of Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Øresvin)!

 1160127Bottlenose Dolphin breaching the waves

A short and quick overview of the last few days, characterized by short outings and good birds. Tomorrow me and Simon are heading south to twitch the White-throated Sparrow (Hvidstrubet Spurv) that is currently near Hjørring along with Lisa and a friend of hers.

20250116 160428My new favourite gull-watching spot, you get them at close range while they are head to their night roost

Highlights from the last few days:

Iceland Gull – Hvidvinget Måge, 2 individuals

King Eider – Kongeederfugl, 1 adult male is the twelfth record for Skagen! The young male is still hanging out in the harbour.

Common Bottlenose Dolphin – Øresvin, rare visitor, though increasing in numbers. Second I have seen in the last six months.

Caspian Gull – Kaspisk Måge, 5 individuals minim.

Link to last few day's observations from observers in the area

People at the station: Ragnar Smith, Simon Sigaard Christiansen + guests