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The Rain Continues

tirsdag 11. september 2018
af Molly Brown

We started the day optimistic as we woke at 0630 and opened all the nets in the lighthouse garden, however two hours later we only had 3 Robins (Rødhals) to show for our efforts, which was good to show some Canadians from Toronto, but we had higher hopes when we set our alarms the night before.

The relentless rain and wind meant we then shut the nets and tackled the indoors equipped with vacuum and mop! With five of us cleaning it didn’t take very long so we decided to go on a group shopping trip into Skagen in Daniel and Lisa’s car. After a successful trip some of us decided to venture into the outdoors despite the torrential downpour. Morten and Daniel went out and saw two new birds for Daniel- Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) and Velvet Scoter (Fløjlsand). I also headed out into the deluge but didn’t get very far before I was soaked, and the rain was so heavy I couldn’t use the telescope, so I returned with only having seen Wheatears (Stenpikker), Eider (Ederfugl) and Common Scoters (Sortand).

In the evening we had a lovely meal cooked by Daniel and after many games of Mikado, Morten and Daniel had another more prosperous attempt at Wader catching and returned with an Oystercatcher (Strandskade).

People: Molly Brown, Sasha Munters, Lisa Vergin, Daniel Bloche, Morten Christensen and Simon S. Christiansen