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Glaucous Gull

torsdag 7. marts 2019
af Dante Shepherd

With heavy rain and strong winds forecast ringing and migration watching was called off. At 9:30 Rita came over to clean the observatory (thanks again!) and to show Peter and I how to clean the toilet properly. Afterwards, I did some picture archiving and net fixing and Peter went to clean the birders club. As we were doing this Charlotte said goodbye as she was leaving back for Copenhagen, we hope you enjoyed your visit! 

In the afternoon Peter headed off to Frederikshavn to watch a movie and I went into town to buy dinner. On my way back I decided it would be worthwhile to check the harbour for any interesting gulls. I was very pleased to find a juvenile Glaucous Gull. It was very approachable and seemed to have a taste for the pastry I was throwing out for it. Definitely the best cinnamon roll I have ever bought! 

People: Dante Shepherd, Peter Denyer, Simon S. Christiansen, Charlotte Mathiassen

IMG 0628