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Windless day

mandag 1. april 2019
af Dante Shepherd

Anna, Hebe and I  headed up to Grenen for a beautiful windless morning. We saw a Sooty Shearwater, only the 4th ever in April in Denmark, and 25 Shags. What a spring it has been for Shags in Skagen this year, way over a hundred so far! We were joined by a Danish film crew who were filming a documentary about birders in Denmark. 

Peter and Joakim ringed at Grenen for the first time of the year. It was a pretty quiet trip for them with just a few Chiffchaffs, a Song Thrush and a Dunnock. However, they had better luck back at the lighthouse, with a beautiful male Brambling! Others ringed included Blue Tits, a couple of Great Tits, and a gorgeous male Goldcrest.

In the evening, we headed out for a wander along the beach, accompanied by the sound of Yellowhammers. We watched the gulls and the odd wader as the sun set.   

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