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Jack Snipes and a Raven

torsdag 30. september 2021
af Robbie Lawler

There was no ringing today on account of the poor weather, that didn’t stop us getting out into the field and seeing some great birds though. Augustine, Justine, and Angela went observing today and saw 3 great skuas (Storkjove) and a few hours later saw 2 Jack Snipe at Strandengssø (Enkelbekkasin). There was a small session of ringing this afternoon in the lighthouse garden.


Charlotte and I started off a walk at Højen and walked back along the beaches to the lighthouse looking for any washed-up seabirds so they could be sent for examination to better understand the causes of death. On the walk we spotted some interesting birds; including a Raven (Ravn) which showed quite well as it flew off; a very close Black-throated diver (Sortstrubet Lom), and a Snow bunting (Snespurv) as we passed Kattegat bunker. We also spent some time looking for a Yellow-browed warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger) which was seen by Simon yesterday, unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky.


Brent Goose (Knortegås)

Ringmærkning Det Grå Fyr          

Gærdesmutte – 1           

Total – 1

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Charlotte Stewart og Rolf Christensen.

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen

Sooty Shearwater and Yellow-browed Warbler

onsdag 29. september 2021
af Angela Di Pumpo

The sun had not yet risen today as me and Rosalina were cycling to open the nets under the moonlight, but a bright light and a wonderful view welcomed Justine, Simon, Robbie and Charlotte when they joined us for the first round. Even though we didn´t catch many birds today, we had a great time. I feel it helps sometimes to be able to take some extra minutes to carefully look at the birds and improve our measurements under Simon´s supervision. And while we all gathered there at the Kabeltromle a Great Egret Heron (Sølvhejre) flew by, leaving us excited and speechless.


Augustin, on the other hand, was having a good time observing at Grenen with Knud and, lucky enough, they saw another Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe). I am saying «another» because yesterday Robbie spotted one while observing and Knud took a great video of it flying ad dancing with the waves. If you would like to see the video, it is available on our Youtube channel (click here). But that´s not it! Here below you can also see a picture taken by Augustin of a Reed bunting (Rørspurv) chilling on the dunes’ vegetation.


And while on a walk today afternoon, Simon spotted a Yellow-browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet Løvsanger) at Højen Fyr. What a day!

Last but not least, Augustin uploaded today the recent notcturnal migration counts. If you want to see the numbers from the the 20th of September click here, and click here for the night of the 15th of September .

Blåmejse 8

Dompap 1

Fuglekonge 1

Gærdesmutte 5

Gransanger 5

Jernspurv  1

Munk 7

Musvit 2

Rødhals 4

Rørsanger 2

Rørspurv  4

Total      -  40


Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Charlotte Stewart, Knud Pedersen

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen

Sooty Shearwater and first Snow Bunting today !

tirsdag 28. september 2021
af Justine Costa

Angela and Robbie went observing this morning. The weather was really nice and Angela could train herself identifying gulls and count Eiders (Ederfugl). All the observers had the chance to observe pretty well a Sooty Shearwater (Sodfarvet Skråpe) at the tip (see our youtube video) and two Caspian Gulls (Levantmåge).

Augustin and I opened the nests this morning. Rosalina came for the first round and we all trained at ringing and applied the lessons that we had on Saturday to age the birds by founding the moult limit. The last round was one of the busiest with a group of Blue Tits (Blåmejse) and two Lesser Redpolls (Lille Gråsisken). 


During the afternoon, we went to observe and recognize birdsongs with Simon. We saw our first Snow Bunting (Snespurv) of the season! A really good observation for the end of the day !

group.jpg       Snow_bunting.jpg

Ringmærkning - Kabeltromlen

Blåmejse -7

Fuglekonge - 6

Gærdesanger - 1

Gærdesmutte - 5

Gransanger - 5

Lille Gråsisken - 1

Havesanger - 1

Jernspurv - 10

Munk - 6

Rødhals -5

Rørspurv - 4

Sangdrossel - 1

Tornsanger - 1

Total - 54

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Charlotte Stewart

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra DOF basen af fugle i Skagen

Søpapegøje og regn

mandag 27. september 2021
af Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen

I dag var der ingen ringmærkning grundet blæsevejret og regnen, så Robbie, Angela, Justine og Augustine skiftedes til at observere i morges. Augustin så en søpapegøje da han var ude, hvilket helt klart var dagens højdepunkt! Justine, Robbie og Angela så bl.a. lomvier og rider. Simon har skrevet en artikel til Netfugl.dk om vores tredækker-fangst, og om tredækkerens evner til at migrere i ét træk til Afrika. Jeg selv indrapporterede data i dag.

Dagen har derudover bestået af rengøring af kikkerter og teleskoper, og en masse datarapportering.

I eftermiddags tog vi ud til havnen for at kigge på fugle men det regnede så meget at vi hurtigt tog videre for at købe ind.


- Ingen ringmærkning I dag -

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Lisa Vergin, Rolf Christensen

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen

Sea birds showing well

søndag 26. september 2021
af Augustin Sticksel

Robbie and Angela opened the nets this morning at Kabeltromlen, Justine and Rosalia came on the first round for the ringing. They had a nice day of ringing today and got some practice with the aging of Munks and Gransangers. They were joined by Lisa and Simon to supervise the ringing. I was out observing and had a nice morning in the field.


A male ( left) and female (right) Goldcrest side by side

This morning four sooty shearwaters (sotfaveret skråpe), two sabine gull (sabinemåge), one leachs storm petrel (stor stormsvale) and three Lapland bunting (lapværling) have been seen on Grenen! A really good morning for observations today. I was out for seven hours for observations and had a lot of fun birdwatching with the local birders.

sabinemage ErikChristophersenFoto: Erik Christophersen

Michael was again ringing at Jennes Sø where the Lesser redpolls (Lille gråsisken) was dominating.

In the evening the volunteers of the station, Simon and Lisa were invited for a delicious dinner at the blink restaurant at the lighthouse, and in the night myself and Lisa will go nightcatching.

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen)

Gransanger – 7

Fuglekonge – 5

Gærdesmutte – 5

Jernspurv – 4

Rødhals – 9

Blåmejse – 5

Munk – 7

Havesanger – 1

Lille Dompap – 1

Musvit – 1

Sangdrossel -3


Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø)

Blåmejse - 2

Musvit - 9

Gransanger - 3

Havesanger - 1

Fuglekonge 1

Gærdesmutte - 2

Jenspurv - 2

Bogfinke - 2

Lille Gråsisken - 23


Total: 93

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Knud Pedersen, Erik Christophersen, Christian Anders Jensen, Erik Christophersen, Henrik Rask, Lars Grøn, Rolf Christensen, Leona Gottschalkson, Ingo Ludwichowski og Michael Ancher.

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Moult sessions and observations

lørdag 25. september 2021
af Angela Di Pumpo

Due to the rise of a strong wind we had to cancel the ringing today but that allowed me and Augustin to get some extra sleep and join the observation team later, welcomed by a bright and shining sun... and of course a lot of nice birds!

Robbie and Justine could enjoy the view since early morning, together with Knud, Erik, Thomas, and Paul. They were rewarded by some Great skuas (Storkjove), Kittiwakes (Ride), Fulmars (Mallemuk) and a Mediterranean gull (Sorthovedet måge), but Justine was particularly happy because she saw some harbor seals for the first time. Thanks to the high visibility the observations lasted 5 hours today, after which we all gathered back here at the station to enjoy a nice meal together, while Rosalina did some watercolors at the beach during her day off.

During the afternoon we had the pleasure to attend Simon´s class about moult strategies which was very informative and interesting and helped us clarifying some doubts. Two German colleagues – Leona and Ingo – were there as well, and teamed up with us for the exercise with the moult charts.


But the day is not over yet because we set up the nests hoping to catch some owls and storm petrels by means of sound playing. Fingers crossed for us! Hopefully tomorrow we can share with you some really nice pictures.

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler Angela Di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Bjarne, Edle, Marianne, Knud Pedersen, Erik Christophersen, Thomas Hillelund Andersen and Paul B. Jørgersen, Leona Gottschalkson og Ingo Ludwichowski

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen

Barred Warbler strikes again

fredag 24. september 2021
af Robbie Lawler

Today observations were undertaken by Augustine and Thor with Knud Pedersen. The highlights out to sea were 8,000 Common Scoters (Sortand). 135 Sanderlings (Sandløber) and c. 20 Great Skuas (Storkjøve). We also had 4 Caspian gulls (Levantmåge), a Purple sandpiper (Sortgrå Ryle), and 1 resting bar-tailed godwit (Lille Kobbesneppe) on the beach. 

The other half of the team went out ringing, catching around 50 birds. Whilst there were no standout species in the nets, we did manage to spot a juvenile hen harrier (Blå Kærhøg) over the dunes.


Høgesanger. Foto: Michael Ancher

Away from Kabeltromlen, Michael Ancher had a successful day ringing at Jennes Sø, including the second Barred warbler (Høgesanger) for the autumn.

 All-round it was a successful day, but we are sad to say goodbye to Thor, Amelie, and Michael Fink, all of whom we hope to see in the future.

Ringmærkning (Kabeltromlen)

Blåmejse 11  
Fuglekonge 3
Gærdesmutte 10
Gransanger 7
Jernspurv 6
Munk 3
Musvit 1
Rødhals 6
Rørsanger 1
Rørspurv 3
Sangdrossel 1

Ringmærkning (Jennes Sø)

Blåmejse 5
Musvit 5
Gransanger 6
Høgesanger 1
Fuglekonge 5
Gærdesmutte 3
Rødhals 6
Solsort 1
Jernspurv 1
Skovpiber 1
Bogfinke 2
Lille Gråsisken 43
Grønsisken 1

Total: 132

 Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler Angela di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Bjarne, Edle, Marianne, Oluf Lou, Jørgen Kabel Michael Fink og Knud Pedersen

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen

Sea watching showing promise

torsdag 23. september 2021
af Robbie Lawler

As the weather was so poor today we decided not to send anyone out ringing, instead, a few of us decided to try our luck at Kattegat Bunker. The weather started off poor and just got worse. We did however manage to spot a few species worthy of note, including Golden Plover (hjejle) , Red Knot (islandsk ryle), 6 Red Throated Diver (rødstrubet lom), and A resting Wigeon (pibeand) on the beach. We also managed to see large numbers of Common Scoters (sortand) and Eiders (ederfugl).  Thor saw a Red Throated Diver (rødstrubet lom) resting quite close to the shoreline, which is always a nice birding moment.


Michael, Alex and Rolf, and some other local birders went out at World’s End 1 today at Grenen and saw several interesting species including a Great skua (storkjove), purple sandpiper (sortgrå ryle), and Little Gull (dværgmåge). Ralf found a Cory’s Shearwater/scopolis shearwater species (Kuhls skråpe/Scopolis skråpe) and Alex found a Sabine’s Gull (Sabinemåge).  Yesterday Alex also spotted a Yellow Browed Warbler (Hvidbrynet løvsanger) behind the dunes. Hopefully with the Westerly winds some more rarities turn up soon.

Despite the weather, it was a reasonably successful birding day.

Bjarne, Edle, and Marianne cooked beef bourguignon for all the volunteers today, which made a real difference to our usual pasta. Thank you so much. We also have to thank Angela for providing two amazing desserts which rounded off the night.


We are back rining tomorrow, fingers crossed for an American rarity.

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Amelie Zeller, Thor, Angela di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Bjarne, Edle, Marianne,  Jørgen Kabel, Michael Fink og Knud Pedersen

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen

Walking, Birding, Ringing

onsdag 22. september 2021
af Justine Costa

Today was a good day at the ringing station! We had many birds during the first round (about 40 birds) and surprisingly less during the next rounds, but it was a good occasion for Justine to train at ringing.

Rosalina and Angela worked for a fulmar (Mallemuk) project today, looking for dead fulmars from Højen around the peninsula back to the Grey Lighthouse in Skagen. They didn´t find any fulmars but two Gannets (Sule). The goal of the program is to study the gut contents of the fulmars to see if can find some plastic, which could explain how are they are affected by this pollution.

Robbie and Thor also had a great day today observing the migration with Knud. They counted ; around 3000 Common Scoters (Sortand) in one hour; 300 Meadow pipits (Enpiber) in an hour; about 500 resting Eiders (Ederfugel) and two Grey Wagtails.



Ringmærkning –


Blåmejse              2

Bogfinke              1

Fuglekonge         1

Gærdesanger      1

Gærdesmutte     7

Gransanger         15

Jernspurv             13

Munk                    5

Rødhals                25

Rørsanger           2

Rørspurv              1

Tornsanger         2

Total – 75

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Amelie Zeller, Thor, Angela di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Bjarne, Edle, Marianne, Oluf Lou, Jørgen Kabel Michael Fink og Knud Pedersen

Klik her for at se dagens observationer fra Dofbasen af fugle i Skagen

Dobbeltbekkasin, hval, og kvækerfinke

tirsdag 21. september 2021
af Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen

Justine, Augustin og Angela var ude at observere i morges, og så en Caspisk måge, en dværgfalk og en topskarv på Grenen. De så også tre sæler og en hval i morges. Robbie, Amelie, Thor, Michael og jeg var ude og ringmærke, og vi fik bl.a. en rørspurv, en sjagger og en dobbeltbekkasin i nettet i dag. Trods det dårlige vejr fortsatte vi igennem dagen med at ringmærke. Gæsterne Bjarne, Edle og Marianne har gået en lang tur og så to musvitter, og mødte to mennesker på turen som de kendte.

Michael var en tur på havnen og så to topskarver. Da han var hjemme igen, så han en havørn gennem vinduet og meldte det til Zello-kanalen. Den endte med at flyve helt ud til Grenen.

IMG 2521

IMG 2519

IMG 2517

Ringmærkning – Kabeltromlen

Rødstjert – 1

Rødhals – 3

Munk – 6

Løvsanger – 1

Jernspurv – 2

Rørspurv – 2

Gransanger – 1

Gærdesmutte – 1

Fuglekonge – 3

Kvækerfinke – 1

Gærdesanger – 1

Dobbeltbekkasin – 1

Blåmejse - 1

Total – 24

Folk på stationen: Simon S. Christiansen, Augustin Sticksel, Rosalina Sø Leth-Nissen, Robbie Lawler, Amelie Zeller, Thor, Angela di Pumpo, Justine Costa, Bjarne, Edle, Marianne, Oluf Lou, Jørgen Kabel og Knud Pedersen

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